SAYA NIDHI LIMITED is a Public Limited Company registered under the Companies Act, 2013. The company has the approval from Government of India & Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Activities of our company are closely monitored and controlled by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs; it automatically comes under the supervision of the MCA. Like all financial institutions, we comply with all necessary operating guidelines such as Capital Adequacy, Statutory Liquidity Ratio and Asset Classification and Income Recognition as required by Nidhi Rules. We offer attractive interest rates for all types of deposits. We can lend only against a security of Gold, against our Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposit, LIC Policies, Government Securities / Bonds and Mortgage Loans. The main objective is to encourage and afford all facilities for cultivating thrift, saving habits and to render all financial assistance to its member only by receiving long and short-term deposits and in particular Recurring, Fixed and Other Deposits.